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Chapter 5 Lesson 2: From Republic to Empire

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Group #2

Created Date 07.08.21
Last Updated 07.12.21
Viewed 1 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What term means establishing control over foreign lands and people?
  • The wealthy Roman citizens bought up huge estates called?
  • Who was elected tribune in 133 B.C, and called on the state to distribute land to poor farmers?
  • Which emperor was originally known as Octavian Caesar, he exercised absolute power and named his successor?
  • What was used to make the tax system more fair? Hint: population count
  • Which emperor viciously persecuted the Christians and was even blamed for setting a great fire that destroyed much of Rome?
  • Which emperor read philosophy while leading wars, and was close to being Plato's ideal of a philosopher king?
  • Which emperor was considered evil and appointed his horse as consul?
  • Who was an ambitious military commander, made reforms, and was assassinated in March of 44 B.C by his enemies?
  • Which emperor had soldiers build a wall across Britain to hold back attackers from the non-Roman north?
  • The word "punic" derives from which Latin word?
  • Which side came victorious in the First Punic War?
  • Which side ended completely devastated from losing the Third Punic War? Hint: Survivors were killed or sold to slavery, and the enemy poured salt in the soil so nothing would grow.
  • Who was leading the Carthaginian army alongside dozens of war elephants, on a legendary march across the Pyrenees, through France and the Alps against Rome in the Second Punic War?
  • Which senator ended every speech he made with the words "Carthage must be destroyed" ?
  • In which period did Roman rule bring peace, order, unity, and prosperity?
  • Which entertainment form was a dangerous sport where chariots thundered around an oval and the fans bet on each of their favorite teams?
  • Which form of entertainment included slaves who fought each other singly or in groups and the one who was favored by the crowd won his freedom, while the one who was disliked among the crowd was killed?
  • Critics warned against the policy of "bread and circuses" and many listened.
  • Where did the largest racecourses took place?