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Ring of Fire 1

| See more in Earth Science

This game covers questions related to plate tectonic movement, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions found in the 8th-grade earth science unit.

Created Date 07.29.21
Last Updated 07.29.21
Viewed 2 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Which sequence of processes occurs in the correct order?
  • Most of the Volcanoes that make up the “Ring of Fire” were formed near______.
  • Which is a negative effect of deforestation on the environment?
  • Along plate boundaries, tectonic forces result in the formation of faults and the buildup of pressure. When this built up pressure is released, what is the result?
  • A student is studying a diagram that shows the lithospheric oceanic plate sliding under a continental plate. What will most likely be the result?
  • Identify the inference from the list below that scientists use to explain the following statement. "The mantle is more dense than the crust"
  • Earthquakes can cause great damage and injury. The solution to this problem is to warn people about possible earthquakes through various forms of media. Scientists constantly monitor seismic data to warn people of potential earthquake danger. Which statement BEST summarizes the quality of the solutions to these problems?
  • In a process called weathering, water can break down rock. Suppose you want to do a controlled experiment on this topic. Which statement below best describes how you should start?
  • Earthquake A has a Richter magnitude of 7 as compared with earthquake B's 6. The amount of ground motion is one measure of earthquake intensity.
  • Which lists the soil particles from largest to smallest?
  • Copy and paste the link above in a browser and answer the question below: In the Rock Cycle above where would place melting?
  • Copy and paste the link above in a browser and answer the question below: In the Rock Cycle, which process is used to form the rock type, labeled "A" where would you place a sedimentary rock?