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States of Matter Review game

| See more in Chemistry

This is a review for your States of Matter Quiz

Created Date 08.13.21
Last Updated 08.16.21
Viewed 33 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • A solid is a state of matter that has a(n)
  • The state of matter in which particles are arranged in either a crystalline or an amorphous form is
  • The resistance of a liquid to flowing is its
  • In which state of matter do the particles spread apart and fill all the space available to them?
  • The change from liquid to solid, or the reverse of melting, is called
  • What is vaporization?
  • An uncovered pot of soup is simmering on a stove, and there are water droplets on the wall above the back of the stove. What sequence can you infer has occurred?
  • The greater the speed of gas particles in a container, the
  • Which state of matter has particles that vibrate, but cannot move past each other and has a definite volume?
  • Which state of matter has particles that have so much energy that they can break away from each other and fill any volume surrounding it?
  • Which state of matter has particles that can move past each other, but also has a definite volume?