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Call Types Flashcards

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Read the patient's quote and identify what type of call it is.

Created Date 09.10.21
Last Updated 09.13.21
Viewed 5 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • “Hi, I’m calling to see what my insurance will cover for Rinvoq, my doctor just wrote me a prescription for that, but I don’t know how much it will be.”
  • “So, I just need to know where I can get my Humira… I went to Walgreens but it’s not in stock and they said something about a specialty pharmacy, but I don’t know what that means.”
  • “I just got prescribed Skyrizi but I’m worried about how much it will cost, can you help me with that? I also don’t even know where to get it filled.
  • “I just called my pharmacy insurance to figure out what my copay is going to be for Humira, and it’s pretty expensive. The rep mentioned something about a manufacturer copay card"
  • “I just got back from my doctor, and she said something about a savings card, can you tell me about that and how I can get one?”
  • “Hello, someone from your company left me a voicemail saying I should call back because they didn’t have my insurance information, and I have that now.”
  • “Howdy, I got a call from one of your people and they told me I needed to get my medication filled at Caremark Specialty Pharmacy, but I can’t find their number… can you help me?”
  • “Hi there, so I got new insurance at work, and I’m just worried my savings card won’t work… can you check?”
  • “Good afternoon, I’m calling from Humana Specialty Pharmacy, and I have a patient that could use a savings card. Can you issue one for them, please?”
  • “Hi there, I’m calling to speak to my nurse ambassador, but I forgot her name; can you get me to her?”