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Revolutionary War

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Rev. War

Created Date 10.12.21
Last Updated 10.13.21
Viewed 4 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • The __________ made the decision to declare independence from England.
  • The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the war because it convinced the ______ to send warships, soldiers, and supplies to formally help the Continental Army.
  • The winter at ______ played a key role in the American victory because the troops were trained by Baron von Steuben and came out a better fighting force
  • Author ______ put the Patriot cause into plain, understandable language that brought many regular people to the movement for independence.
  • Who was the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army?
  • At the Battle of _____, Washington's superior planning and strategy resulted in the capture of an army of Hessians, German mercenaries.
  • The battle of _____ resulted in the defeat of British General Cornwallis, the ultimate surrender of the British to the Americans.
  • This early battle, though technically a loss for the American Continental Army, resulted in twice as many British casualties and a sense of confidence for the Americans.
  • The ____ was signed in 1783, officially ending the war, granting the colonies their independence as well as the land east of the Mississippi.
  • The Declaration of Independence, stating that "all men are created equal", resulted in the freedom of equality of all people in America.
  • One of the advantages of the Continental Army over the British was