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The Food We Need - Rapid Fire

| See more in Biology

Test your knowledge about fruit & veg, the human body and the types of food that we need.

Created Date 12.16.21
Last Updated 12.21.21
Viewed 323 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • You need to eat your greens, especially broccoli and spinach. These veggies contain a metal which your body needs. Which nutrient is this?
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  • Which of the following organs is not used during digestion?
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  • So you've chewed up your pizza and now it's time to swallow, what's the name of the liquid that we swallow along with your pizza?
  • There is an important vitamin, which is linked with good vision. It is vitamin A. Which of the food items would be the highest in vitamin A?
  • Which of these organs can grow back again if some of it is removed?
  • Some animals grew gills, which meant they could take in more oxygen and so could move faster. What are these animals called?
  • Which of the following animals is capable of living both in water and on land?
  • Dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt contain a lot of this mineral, which is important for the development of your bones and teeth.
  • Trees provide us with lots of wonderful food. Which of the following does NOT grow on a tree?
  • When preparing food to eat, what simple thing must you do before you start?
  • Which of these breakfast foods will provide you with the most energy?
  • Which type of food should take up the most space on your plate?
  • What should you do if you hate broccoli?
  • What is the liquid substance that bees produce?
  • What is porridge made out of?
  • How many portions of fruit and vegetables should we eat a day?
  • Scurvy is having a lack in a vitamin. What vitamin prevents scurvy?
  • Too many sweet foods can result in?
  • To prevent tooth decay what do you need to do?
  • Name the organ which breaks up the food we eat?
  • Rickets is caused by a lack of which vitamin?
  • What part of our diet helps to prevent diseases?