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Communication - Nursing

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Nursing students

Created Date 01.12.22
Last Updated 01.12.22
Viewed 3 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Which of the following should NOT be used in medication documentation:
  • Which of the following medication orders is incorrectly written:
  • The nurse tells a family member about her recent trip to New Hampshire. This is an example of:
  • "It must be very stressful to be in the hospital away from your children" is an example of
  • Using silence is helpful to:
  • Which of the following is not a common mistake with communication:
  • The nurse develops trust in which therapeutic communication phase:
  • Which of the following is a good example of establishing rapport with a child:
  • When communicating with a patient with hearing loss, the nurse should:
  • The nurse should use the following tool when communicating with the provider
  • What is an example of an open ended question?
  • Which of the following terms is appropriate to use with a patient?
  • The patient reports he has his COVID vaccine, the RN insists he provides proof of his card. This is an example of:
  • The nurse tells the patient the wound "looks good" as she covers her mouth and looks away. This is an example of: