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Expressions of Time

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Have fun reviewing parts of the day, days of the week, seasons, months

Created Date 01.23.22
Last Updated 01.26.22
Viewed 15 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • This is the part of the day that happens between when you get up and noon.
  • 12:00 in the middle of the day is called:
  • The part of the day that happens since the sun sets down until you go to bed.
  • It's the part of the day when you can see the stars and moon, it begins with the sunset and ends with the sunrise.
  • Which day comes between Tuesday and Thursday?
  • The first weekday is: (you come to school on weekdays)
  • The weekend is:
  • This is the coldest season of the year, we celebrate Christmas in it.
  • It is a season of the year that begins on March 21 and ends on June 21.
  • It usually rains a lot during this season in Mexico and we have the end of term vacation period.
  • In some countries, people call in fall, in others people call it: