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Recreational Lifetime Skills- Jeopardy

| See more in Performing Arts

This game covers most of the topics we have covered in class such as football, volleyball, pickleball, basketball.

Created Date 02.05.22
Last Updated 02.08.22
Viewed 8 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Pickleball was first invented as a kids game.
  • Different types of serves
  • Where does the player serving have to stand on the court?
  • The ball can bounce twice on the same players side?
  • How many serving attempts does a player get?
  • What part of a football field are touchdowns scored?
  • How many points is a touchdown worth?
  • Which is NOT a football position?
  • How many players can be on the field at once?
  • What shape do your hands make when receiving a chest pass?
  • How many fouls can a player have before they foul out?
  • What is it called when a shot is made from near the basket by playing the ball off the backboard?
  • How tall is a basketball hoop?
  • What are the names of the lines on either sides of the court?
  • How many players are on the court during a game?
  • How many hits does a team get when the ball is on their side?
  • The player in the back zone when there is a serve.
  • When does a team rotate?
  • How many players are on the court in a game?
  • Three hits used in volleyball.