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Compound Adjectives

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Created Date 02.15.22
Last Updated 02.18.22
Viewed 5 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • He’s very single-minded. It took him 10 years to learn the violin, but he never gave up!
  • She’s very self-sufficient for a child. She makes her own food and entertains herself.
  • Writers have to be thick-skinned. People criticize them, but they don't get upset.
  • He’s so kind-hearted. He’s always helpful, even if he’s busy.
  • They can be a little stand-offish. They didn’t talk to anybody at the party.
  • He’s very career-oriented. He even brings work on vacation.
  • They’re really level-headed. Even when winning all that money, they didn’t get excited.
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