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Comp-Med Day 1

| See more in Health Science


Created Date 02.24.22
Last Updated 02.25.22
Viewed 1 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is the name of the system in the brain that contributes the most to Addiction and Substance Abuse?
  • True or False: Addiction is a choice and has nothing to do with brain chemistry.
  • Dopamine is:
  • Which of these could be a reason that someone starts abusing drugs?
  • True or false: over the past decade, more than 70% of reported overdose deaths involved use of an opioid.
  • ________, _______, and _____________ are all types of dysfunction that contribute to someone's likelihood of developing a substance abuse problem.
  • Which of these is commonly added to other substances to increase potency, while also increasing the user's risk of death by overdose?
  • Which of these is NOT a characteristic of a modern concept of treatment for Substance Use Disorder?
  • Which of these drugs is considered a Benzodiazepine?
  • Which of these statements regarding addiction is true?