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Servsafe Practice Game

Practice for Culinary II

Created Date 03.15.22
Last Updated 03.15.22
Viewed 1 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is one symptom of food allergies?
  • As a busboy you should _________ before taking their order.
  • What is a good way to prevent cross-contamination?
  • What are some factors that you have to make sure happen at a Self-Serve Area?
  • Servers should _____, like writing it on a ticket in all caps or underlining to alert kitchen staff.
  • What very important tool is used to identify allergens in foods you purchase?
  • ________ facilities and equipment may spread harmful organisms to people and food.
  • The time temperature danger zone is _______.
  • The 3 primary ways of preventing foodborne illnesses are ______.
  • _______ or other organisms that have contaminated food cause most foodborne illnesses. *hint: 8 letters*
  • Which answer choice is NOT a foodborne illness?
  • Which agency enforces food safety in restaurant or food service operation?
  • Ready to eat TCS food must be date marked if it will be stored for longer than _________.
  • What item is stored correctly in the cooler?
  • What does FAT TOM stand for? *O means Oxygen*
  • What is the best way to eliminate pests that have entered the operation?
  • To work with food, a food handler with an infected hand wound must _________.
  • What do you do when a knife accidentally falls or is dropped.
  • What is an example of a physical contaminant?
  • Poaching requires a temperature of ________.
  • What is NOT an example of a food allergen?
  • What answer choice is NOT an example of a physical contaminant?
  • What is a one way NOT to defrost or thaw out frozen poultry?
  • What is the best way to store opened foods in the refrigerator?
  • What is the proper attire required in the kitchen?
  • You are required to wash your hands after ________
  • How do you label ready to eat foods that have been prepped?
  • A food handler is in a hurry and cannot find the ice scoop, but needs to refill a guest drink. What should he do?
  • Cleaning and sanitizing food contact surfaces helps reduce
  • What must be stored away from all food?
  • Where should you clean a garbage can?
  • Foodborne pathogens grow well at temperatures between _______.
  • Covering wounds can help prevent the spread of with pathogen?
  • Viruses such as norovirus and hepatitis A can be spread when food handlers fail to____ .
  • Cooking tomato sauce in a copper pot can cause which foodborne illness?
  • Where should you go to wash your hands?
  • At what temp. should cold TCS foods be received?
  • What procedure is used to make sure the oldest foods gets used first.
  • Why are elderly people and preschool-age children at higher risk of foodborne illnesses?