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Ancient Egypt Bingo

| See more in Cultural Studies

A word will be called out and one person will explain what the word is or what it means. No complex just simple and quick. And of course the first person to say bingo wins.

Created Date 04.27.22
Last Updated 04.29.22
Viewed 3 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • a condiment Ancient Egyptians would use
  • a popular food item with a hard and gritty texture
  • another common food item, made from barley and stored in custom beer jars
  • a meat Egyptians would eat
  • a fruit Egyptians would eat and sun dried to make raisins
  • Ingredients used to make ancient Egypt's most popular food items
  • this is a drink that more wealthier families would have
  • Likely to be the most popular fruit, and used to make wine
  • A gift of the Nile and consumed by the rich and poor
  • A condiment used in ancient Egypt
  • A fruit in ancient Egypt
  • a meat consumed in ancient Egypt
  • Something that was served in Ancient Egypt
  • A main dish that was consumed in ancient Egypt
  • A fruit consumed in ancient Egypt
  • A condiment used in Ancient Egypt
  • An invention, with a fire box. Mainly used to bake bread.
  • A sweetener ancient Egyptians had
  • Was imported during new kingdom times