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Growth Mindset Practice

| See more in Psychology

You will review information we learned in class this week as well as learn new growth mindset vocabulary terms!

Created Date 05.11.22
Last Updated 05.12.22
Viewed 168 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • To gain to acquire knowledge or a skill
  • The established set of attitudes held by someone
  • An action or judgment that is misguided or wrong.
  • Your brain is like a _________ because it actually grows when you learn new things.
  • The opposite of a growth mindset is a ____________ mindset.
  • Hopeful and confident about the future.
  • The belief that our basic qualities (like intelligence and talents) are fixed traits which cannot be changed.
  • The ability to keep going and stay focused when things are hard
  • The belief that abilities can be developed through commitment and hard work.
  • When you try really hard at something and give it your all (a sport, schoolwork, etc.).
  • The ability to try again and keep bouncing back after setbacks.
  • You set one of these for yourself to keep track of your own progress towards success.
  • The ability to acquire (gain) and apply knowledge and skills.
  • This is another word for feedback--it can be positive or negative.
  • A thing earned successfully typically by effort, courage, or skill.
  • As the brain learns, ________ relay information faster and more efficiently.
  • When you learn, your brain cells actually grow _____________.
  • By _________, you make your brain stronger.
  • "Intelligence is something people are born with and it can't be changed" is an example of a...
  • The reason things become easier after practice is because your brain cells have actually grown smaller.