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7th Grade Social Studies Units 4-7 Review

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This is a review for WSFCS 7th grade social studies teachers.

Created Date 05.22.22
Last Updated 05.26.22
Viewed 3 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is the product in Mexico that is being produced by farmers who are being controlled by the drug cartel?
  • When you want to leave your place because you're looking for a better opportunity
  • When you are required to leave a place due to something outside of your control
  • Time period where science and learning were being applied to AGRICULTURAL processes to create more productive crops
  • Happens because of the Agricultural Revolution, and people have to move to cities to find work in factories
  • Frozen time period where people had to modify how they used the land due to the change in temperature
  • Israel was created......
  • This is when the land has been used and abused so much that it will no longer produce crops.
  • Limits the degrees that the world can rise over the next 100 years, created in response to rising global temperatures
  • an economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses.
  • an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government
  • Mixes a free market economy with an extensive welfare system
  • Where there is no physical money, but people complete economic activities through trade
  • Created to make trade with Asia easier and better, but requires that Europe fight the Ottoman Turks
  • Establishes the slave trade
  • Modifying the land so that a ship can go THROUGH land
  • Leads to India becoming a "jewel in the British Crown" due to it's vast resources.
  • War with China and Great Britain, in which Britain was trying to smuggle drugs into China, but China refused to continue to allow it in. Britain gets support by claiming that China was "restricting trade" and receives international support
  • Common Currency of all European Nations
  • Term that means when something happens on a global scale, like trade, technology...because of this, it seems like the world gets a little bit smaller
  • Oppression is always Racially motivated.
  • Racial separation in South Africa that existed well into the 1990s. Ends after both internal and external pressures
  • Revolution that occurred when the lower rung of society overthrew the higher rung, and leads the way for further revoltuions
  • Lady writer who was the first to say that women needed to be educated equally to men
  • People who were taken from their parents at a young age, and their culture was trying to be taken out of them
  • When the particulars of someone's culture begins to disappear into another
  • When you believe that your own culture is superior to another culture you are....
  • People who were incarcerated in concentration camps during the World War 2 conflict in the United States
  • Social structure in Europe headed by the rich people and the king, that makes the rich person a "mayor" over all of the other people
  • A period time in Europe marked by an increase in art and learning.
  • When people's rights are being taken away from them by another person
  • Study of humanity with a focus on improving human's daily lives
  • How did the Reformation change the power balance in Europe?
  • Time period where Copernicus and Galileo were challenging the church's authority by proposing Heliocentric theory. There were lots of other scientific inventions as well.
  • When new ideas to challenge governments and how they were run were being presented to make things better for people. Was influenced by Humanist teachings
  • Which is NOT a positive impact of the Industrial Revolution?
  • Idea coined by Adam Smith that says that people should go for the most maximum profit, regardless of the negative impacts
  • The process of former colonies so that the country can become its own independent nation
  • Movement in the United States that was brought on as a response to civil rights injustice in the 1960s
  • Idea proposed by Karl Marx as a response to capitalism and the negative impacts that it has upon the everyday lives of regular people
  • Separation of Racial groups that occurs in the United States
  • Movement that is being intentional about how we use the environment and how we take care of the environment