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Classical China Millionaire

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Classical China: Zhou to Han

Created Date 10.29.18
Last Updated 10.30.18
Viewed 4 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • How did the Zhou claim power from the Shang?
  • How did the Zhou maintain China for such a long period of time?
  • True or False: China's ironworking was far more advanced than the West once it was widely adopted throughout the civilization.
  • How many states existed when the Warring States Period Began?
  • What innovations in technology helped create formiddable armies in China?
  • What percentage of the world's population was killed in this period?
  • Towards the end, how many states still existed?
  • What state came on top, and under whom?
  • How did he deal with noblemen?
  • What did Quin Shi Huang Di do during his reign?
  • Why was he hated?
  • After his death, what dynasty took over, and who was the greatest emperor of this period?
  • What requirements had to be met in order to be a civil servant during the Han?
  • What Trade route brought goods and new ideas in and out of China to India and the West?
  • After the fall of the Han, what period began?