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Managing Credit

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This game will help you manage you credit

Created Date 11.17.22
Last Updated 11.17.22
Viewed 4 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is Annual Percentage Rate?
  • Who is a person who has permission to use and/or carry another person's credit card, but isn't legally responsible for paying the bill?
  • What is a legal proceeding carried out to allow individuals or businesses freedom from their debts, while simultaneously providing creditors an opportunity for repayment?
  • What is an attempted recovery of a past-due credit obligation or debt by a collection department or agency?
  • What is the ability to borrow money or access goods or services with the understanding that you'll pay later?
  • What is a company that collects information relating to the credit rating of individuals and makes it available to credit card companies, financial institutions, etc?
  • What is a certified financial advisor who educated individuals to help manage debt?
  • What is a record of a person's use of credit over time?
  • What is a document with information about a person's credit activity and history?
  • What is a three-digit number based on an individual's credit history detailed in a credit report?
  • What is a measurement of your outstanding debt divided by your total available credit?
  • What is a method of debt repayment whereby the borrower prioritizes paying down debts with the smallest balances first?
  • What is money set aside for unanticipated expenses or loss of income?
  • What is a law that protects consumers from discrimination in the granting or denying of credit?
  • What is a term used to describe someone with little to no credit history?
  • What is an inquiry into your credit history as part of a background check?
  • What is a process that begins when a borrower fails to make their mortgage payments?
  • What is a civil legal action by one person or entity against another person or entity?
  • What is when a lender or company requests to review your credit report as part of the loan application process?