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Industrial Revolution Unit-Jeopardy Review Game

| See more in History

Review well known inventors and their inventions, key concepts and events of the Industrial Revolution

Created Date 12.02.22
Last Updated 12.05.22
Viewed 9 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • The goal of society is to generate the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people
  • A group of competitive companies that generate competition to help the economy grow
  • A perpetual cycle of poverty that can only be broken by education
  • The practice of showing items, people or places as they really are in the world
  • The government is hands off on regulation which lowers the price & improves the quality
  • Invented by John Jay, increased the production of cloth
  • Invented by Nikolaus Otto, lead to the creation of carriages that were not drawn by horses
  • Invented by Abraham Darby, lead to the creation of less expensive and better quality iron to mass produce trains & bridges
  • Invented by Guglielmo Marconi, leads to the creation of global communication
  • Invented by Louis Pasteur, contributed to the creation of the rabies vaccine & anthrax
  • Author of ‘The Communist Manifesto’, regarded as the father of communism
  • This man is responsible for ending slavery within Britian
  • This famous authors novels mainly shared the point that the rich are responsible for the poor
  • Founder of Social Darwinism which called for Christians to help the less fortunate
  • The father of capitalism and author of ‘Wealth of Nations’, advocated for no gov regulation
  • Wealthy farmers begin to French in the commons for more profit, but leads to unemployment of farmers
  • Name given to the textile workers that protested against labor economizing technology
  • This art style is mainly known for capturing the moment
  • All are POSITIVES of the Industrial Revolution except……
  • When one business has complete control over the sale of a product, it is referred to as a….