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Lab Term 1 Final (Triviatron)

| See more in Health Science


Created Date 12.15.22
Last Updated 12.16.22
Viewed 7 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What type of tissue lines the hollow organs, blood vessels and esophagus?
  • Which body system exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide?
  • A prefix comes at what part of the word?
  • anatomical position is:
  • This plane divides the body into superior and inferior portions.
  • This plane divides the body into anterior and posterior.
  • The bladder is located in which cavity?
  • The thoracic cavity includes all of the following except:
  • What number on a pH scale indicates a liquid is neutral?
  • A ______ is the outer layer of a cell, it is thin and semi-permeable.
  • Where is DNA located in the cell?
  • _____ is a special type of diffusion and is the spontaneous movement of water across a semipermeable membrane.
  • ______ is a life threatening disease that mainly affects the lungs and pancreas, in which secretions are thick and sticky.
  • Easy bleeding, prolonged bleeding and bruising are all characteristics of what genetic disorder?
  • A patient is having trouble with infertility, he is physically tall, pear shaped and has very little body hair. What condition would you suspect he has?
  • Your pinky toe is _____ to your great toe?
  • What cavity houses your brain?
  • Bones are held together with these tough cord like structures.
  • Which type of bone is primarily located in the skull and rib cage?
  • Which of the following describes what a synovial joint does?
  • The humerus is an example of what type of bone?
  • The "shaft" part of the bone is called the:
  • Most important nutrient for bone strength and growth?
  • Best type of exercise to aid in bone strength and growth?
  • When educating a new patient who was just diagnosed with gout, the MA appropriately responds with:
  • Medical term for "humpback"
  • All of the following are functions of muscles except:
  • Acetylcholine is a hormone that does what to muscles?
  • Where is smooth muscle found?
  • Which type of muscle tissues involves peristalsis, a movement caused by constriction?