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Respiratory System Flashcards

| See more in Physics

Explore and understand more about the respiratory system in a creative and fun way. Let's go!!!

Created Date 06.25.23
Last Updated 06.26.23
Viewed 21 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • _______ divides the scrotum internally.
  • Testis descend permanently into their respective scrotal sacs through the _______.
  • Where are the sperm produced ?
  • The secretion of ______ helps in lubrication of the penis.
  • Which part of sperm aids in locomotion to the site of fertilization and sperm metabolism?
  • Which part of the testis that stored sperm before it meets ovum for fertilization?
  • Which muscle that aids while ejaculation?
  • Which disorder that maintains a prolonged erection of the penis with absence of sexual stimulation?
  • The female reproductive system consists of the external and internal genital organs. Which of the following body part that produces hormones to stimulate the ovaries?
  • What is true regarding factor affecting pulmonary ventilation?
  • What is atmospheric pressure?
  • Which statement is true about boyle’s law?
  • Which one is flow of the gases during inhalation and exhalation?
  • Increased thoracic volume can cause lungs to expand.
  • Device can measures how much and how quickly you can move air in and out of your lungs.
  • What happen to the diaphragm during exhalation?
  • What are sign symptom lung disease?
  • What is the mechanism of gas exchange in lung?
  • During inhalation and exhalation, varying amounts of air move into and out of the lungs. How many types of volume does the respiratory system consist of?
  • Which of the following influences gas exchange across the respiratory membrane?
  • Which of the following has a higher blood CO2 transit percentage?
  • What happens to the bicarbonate ions when they enter the RBC at the lungs?
  • Chloride shift in tissue counterbalances the outrush _________. Determine the appropriate flow based on the chloride shift character.
  • Percentage of oxygen that is attached to haemoglobin (Hb) able to carry by Red blood cell (RBC) is ____ %.
  • To make 100% saturated o2, how many atoms must be linked to form haemoglobin?
  • The factors affected by the graft's affinity for o2 and hb binding will determine whether it improves or worsens. EXCEPT
  • What function does the neural centre during breathing serve in the medulla?
  • When air enters the lungs, the lungs expand. Which of the following centers are responsible to prevent the lungs from over‐inflation?
  • Which area contains neurons that are active and then inactive in a repeating cycle?
  • Which cluster of neurons that is important for generate the rhythm of breathing?
  • Which nerves convey impulses from the respiratory center to the diaphragm?
  • Central chemoreceptors regulation of breathing are located in or near the ___________?
  • Central chemoreceptors monitor ____________?
  • Below were the listed stimuli that will increasing the breathing rate and depth. EXCEPT?
  • What is the normal arterial blood Pco2?
  • During normal quiet breathing, the dorsal respiratory group is inactive, during forceful breathing, the ventral respiratory group activates the dorsal respiratory group.
  • An increase in arterial blood Pco2 stimulates the dorsal respiratory group (DRG).
  • Elderly people are more susceptible to pneumonia, emphysema, bronchitis and other pulmonary disorder.
  • The respiratory and cardiovascular systems make adjustment in response to both the intensity and duration of exercise.
  • The respiratory system did not contribute in regulate pH of body fluids.
  • Which is the common type of lung cancer?
  • Which of the following system together with respiratory system helps in regulate the pH in body fluids?
  • Which of the following is TRUE regarding emphysema?
  • What is the causative agent of Tuberculosis?
  • Which of the following pathophysiological mechanisms that allow pneumonia to develop?
  • Which of the following assessment findings would help confirm a diagnosis of asthma in a client suspected of having the disorder?
  • The term “blue bloater” refers to which of the following conditions?