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CONGRESS: The Senate and the House of Representatives [AP Gov Review, Unit 2 Topic 1 (2.1)]

| See more in Political Science

AP Government 2.1 Study Game

Created Date 01.18.23
Last Updated 01.19.23
Viewed 2 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What type of legislature is Congress?
  • Which article of the Constitution divided congressional power among the Senate and House of Representatives?
  • I can become a Senator at the age of 25
  • A senator is less connected to the people they represent than a representative. Why?
  • What is the maximum possible number of representatives in the House?
  • How are laws made?
  • Why does Congress have the power to declare war (besides that its one of the listed powers)?
  • What are two mentioned powers of Congress?
  • How is the number of people in the House of Representatives determined?