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This will test your general knowledge of philosophers of the earliest centuries. It includes quotes, terms, and general knowledge material.

Created Date 01.24.23
Last Updated 01.26.23
Viewed 0 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Means "the love of knowledge" Asks the question, "how do things work?" Desire for knowledge
  • Considered to be the 1st philosopher; approached questions in an irrational, objective way
  • What was the underlying substance Thales was talking about?
  • Belief that all things are ultimately one
  • mathematician Believed all things are number and that math is the key to understanding reality
  • Who introduced the concept of form?
  • What did Heraclitus say is the central fact about reality and claimed that if there was none, then we would cease to exist?
  • What element did Heraclitus say best represents reality?
  • Heraclitus says that to be wise, one must be aware of ________ and not fight against it.
  • Heraclitus was a __________.
  • This philosopher claims that change only APPEARS to happen; change is not real
  • What was Parmenides' key assumption of being?
  • This philosopher made paradoxes to support Parmenides
  • What is the argument pattern that Zeno's paradoxes follows?
  • What is the message of the parable of the millet seed?
  • Similarity between all Sophists?
  • Belief that there is no objective truth
  • Sophists believed this to be the most important form of education
  • What is rhetoric?
  • True by nature; we cannot change them; not a matter of opinion Example: Drinking poison is bad for your health
  • Ture by custom/ habit; things we can change Example: Religion, politics, etc.
  • A sophist Embraced individual relativism Each person decides what is true/false, real/unreal, good/evil,...
  • A sophist Justice is determined by society; the powerful make societal rules Might Makes Right
  • A sophist Believed moral rules are made by the weak
  • An objectivist Believed our ideas can only get closer and closer to the truth Fought in Sparta/ Athens war
  • Did Socrates believe it was better to be proven wrong or to prove wrong
  • Why was Socrates wiser than most others?
  • The process by which we gain knowledge
  • "The many are related by the one"
  • "Math is the language of nature/ reality."
  • "Form is the application of limit to the unlimited."
  • "Reality is indivisible."
  • "Knowledge is virtue; Ignorance is vice."
  • "The unexamined life is not worth living."
  • "The good person cannot be harmed."
  • "You cannot step into the same river twice."
  • "All things are in flux."
  • "All things are God. All things are divine. We are all part of one organism-God."
  • "Nothing ever changes; change is unreal. The changes we think we see are illusions." Being is absolute.
  • "Man is the measure of all things."