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ACT Review: Verbs

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Help to learn more about verbs for ACT review

Created Date 02.14.23
Last Updated 02.16.23
Viewed 4 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Which of the following is a linking verb?
  • What is the verb in the following sentence? "I have never played shadow tag."
  • What is the verb in the following sentence? "Here is the tallest building in the world."
  • How many tenses of verbs are there?
  • What can we add to the end of a verb to make it past tense?
  • "She was talking to her friends." The verb phrase 'was talking' is in what tense?
  • Irregular verbs follow the spelling pattern of verbs.
  • "I will be going to the parade on Wednesday." What tense is the verb?
  • A verb expresses an ________ or a state of being.
  • A helping verb is also called ....?
  • Which is a common linking verb?
  • The modals shall and will are used to express what tense?
  • Another modal, used to express ability would be can and could. An example would be "Can you please move your truck?"
  • Which would be the better fit for the sentence? "_____ I call you to set up the interview tomorrow?"
  • "The baseball players are playing catch over by the fence." What tense is the verb 'are playing?'
  • Present perfect tense describes actions that happened in the past and are complete.
  • The man will return to Virginia before I return home from work. This sentence is an example of what perfect tense?