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Part 1 of Reproductive System

| See more in Health Science

Choose the right answer then your be master in AnP :)

Created Date 06.27.23
Last Updated 06.27.23
Viewed 6 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Testis descend permanently into their respective scrotal sacs through the _______.
  • The secretion of ______ helps in lubrication of the penis.
  • Which cell that LH stimulates to produces hormon testosterone?
  • Which muscle that aids while ejaculation?
  • When a men in sexual stimulation, his parasympathetic fibers will produce and release nitric oxide (NO). Which muscle that causes by NO to dilate?
  • The female reproductive system consists of the external and internal genital organs. Which of the following body part that produces hormones to stimulate the ovaries?
  • What types of cells lines in the uterine tubes.
  • What surface structures are anterior to the vaginal opening?
  • In the sequence of events known as the ovarian cycle, which of the following does NOT occur?
  • The ovaries are suspended by_____
  • What is the process of the formation a mature female gamete called?
  • The primary follicle is surrounded by several layers of _____________ and __________ in a later stage of development that are called granulosa cells.
  • On ovulation, the secondary oocyte is expelled into the pelvic cavity together with the first polar body and __________.
  • Which of the following are effects of increased levels of oestrogen in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle?
  • Which hormones are responsible for the proliferative phase of endometrial growth, for ovulation, for growth of the corpus luteum and for the surge of LH at midcycle?
  • What is the name of the outer layer of the egg that needs to be penetrated in order to reach corona radiata, which has an important characteristic to be pressed up to?
  • What activity will be brought on by the sperm process when a sperm binder is present?
  • The egg contains dense male genetic material, forming a new membrane. The formation is occur after sperm enter the ovum called?
  • What is the purpose of cervical mucus?
  • What hormones does the corpus luteum produce, and what tasks does it perform following ovulation?
  • Which of the birth control method listed below is 100% preventing pregnancy?
  • The primary action of COCs (combined oral contraceptives) is to inhibit ovulation by suppressing the _________?
  • Mrs K, currently think that by having 5 children is enough for her. She want to start oral combined pill after her next menstrual cycle. As a nurse, you should advice her to take on ______ of menstrual day.
  • Choose the correct pair of types and examples of family planning methods
  • Prior to menopause, most women will experience decrease density of bone, this condition is caused by?