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1. MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM 2. FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM 3. OOGENESIS Try to answer correctly at your own pace, you will notice that Anatomy and Physiology is fun. Each question consists of 50 points if you answer it correctly. Have fun.

Created Date 06.27.23
Last Updated 06.28.23
Viewed 4 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • _______ divides the scrotum internally.
  • Testis descend permanently into their respective scrotal sacs through the _______.
  • Where are the sperm produced?
  • The secretion of ______ helps in lubrication of the penis.
  • Which part of sperm that aid in locomotion to the site of fertilization and sperm metabolism?
  • Which cell that LH stimulates to produces hormon testosterone?
  • Which part of the testis that stored sperm before it meets ovum for fertilization?
  • Which muscle that aids while ejaculation?
  • When a men in sexual stimulation, his parasympathetic fibers will produce and release nitric oxide (NO). Which muscle that causes by NO to dilate?
  • Which disorder that maintains a prolonged erection of the penis with absence of sexual stimulation?
  • The female reproductive system consists of the external and internal genital organs. Which of the following body part that produces hormones to stimulate the ovaries?
  • What types of cells lines in the uterine tubes.
  • What structural features of the myometrium contribute to the function?
  • What surface structures are anterior to the vaginal opening?
  • The _____, composed of layers of adipose and connective tissues, separates the breast from the pectoral muscle.
  • Immediately inside the nipple, the ducts widen to form the ____, which when dilated acts as a reservoir for milk during breastfeeding.
  • In the sequence of events known as the ovarian cycle, which of the following does NOT occur?
  • Expanded proximal part of oviduct in female is ____
  • The ovaries are suspended by_____
  • Stroma consists of an outer ovarian____ and inner ovarian____
  • What is the process of the formation a mature female gamete called?
  • During which development that primary oocytes meiosis I begins?
  • The membrane surrounding the secondary oocyte is _________.
  • The primary follicle is surrounded by several layers of _____________ and __________ in a later stage of development that are called granulosa cells.
  • On ovulation, the secondary oocyte is expelled into the pelvic cavity together with the first polar body and __________.