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complete the sentences with the correct personality

Created Date 08.17.23
Last Updated 08.17.23
Viewed 7 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • John is a ____. He likes to read books by himself in his room.
  • Sarah is a ____________. She often stays late at the office to finish her tasks.
  • Tom is a _____. He loves to try extreme sports like skydiving and bungee jumping.
  • My older sister can be ______. She always tells me what to do.
  • Emily is really ______. She always gets top grades in her classes.
  • It's not nice to be _______. We should share with our friends and family.
  • Being _______ is important. You should always tell the truth, even if it's difficult.
  • Kate is very ______. She loves traveling to different countries and trying new foods.
  • It's not polite to be _____ to people. We should always be kind and respectful.
  • Mary is a bit of a ______. She doesn't enjoy parties as much as others do.
  • Samantha is a risk taker. She's as brave as a lion when it comes to trying _________ activities.
  • Linda is_______ . She's as trustworthy as she is truthful in her words.
  • Mike is a _______. He's more open to trying new things than people who prefer sticking to routines.