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Word Detective: Context Clues Elementary

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Context Clues Elementary

Created Date 09.28.23
Last Updated 10.02.23
Viewed 5 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Jon was RELUCTANT to get on a bike again after he broke his leg.
  • The kids were FOND of the guide dog that came to class every Tuesday.
  • The twin girls were identical with the same hair and blue eyes.
  • After going to after school and studying a lot, Dave's reading began to ACCELERATE.
  • Lena was mad and GRUMBLED about all the tests she had to take.
  • Jamie was so happy about the BARGAIN he got on the new TV at Wal-Mart.
  • Lisa got a TEMPORARY job at the toy store for two weeks before Christmas.
  • Her most and best LEISURE things to do are painting, reading and riding her bike.
  • Ann was REALISTIC about her chances of winning the bingo game because over 200 people were playing.
  • The CHRONOLOGICAL timeline helped Joe to understand the different things that happened back then.
  • The AUTOMATIC door opened, and the man in the wheelchair was able to go right into the store.
  • The basketball player wanted to win a lot of game and ACCOMPLISH a lot this fall when his team played