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Grammar Ball

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Grammar and Baseballs

Created Date 02.22.24
Last Updated 02.23.24
Viewed 7 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Which type of Point of View is this? "My heart leaped into my throat as I turned and saw a frightening shadow."
  • Which of the following sentences does not contain a double negative?
  • Which of the following sentences contains a double negative?
  • Name the Point of view used in this sentence "We embarked on a journey to explore the mysterious island."
  • Which type of Point of View is this? "They faced a difficult decision as they navigated through the challenges."
  • Which sentence is written in the third-person limited point of view?
  • which sentence contains homophone words.
  • Which sentence is clear and concise?
  • True or False A clear and concise sentence is easy for the reader to understand
  • True or False For correct sentence structure you must have subject
  • Choose the sentence that is clear and well-structured:
  • Which sentence is in the active voice?
  • Choose the sentence in the active voice
  • Identify the correct subject pronoun
  • Choose the sentence with the correct object pronoun
  • Identify the adverb clause of time in the sentence: "Before she left, Maria finished her homework."
  • Identify the adverb clause of time in the sentence: "After the concert ended, we went out for dinner."
  • Identify the adverb clause of contrast in the sentence: "While it was hot outside, the children played in the snow."
  • Identify the adverb clause of contrast in the sentence: "Although she was tired, she continued working on her project."