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Literary Elements: Tone and Mood

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Created Date 02.23.24
Last Updated 02.26.24
Viewed 2 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • how readers feel after reading a book or a short story, or after watching a film.
  • The mood is meant to affect ______ emotionally
  • The way______ are portrayed in a story can help set the mood of the piece
  • When a character is defeated and has nothing to really motivate them, they may feel _____
  • Settings like a rainy day and a dark empty night can help portray a _______ feel
  • The means by which a writer conveys attitudes
  • by using tone, the author can indirectly or ______ tell the reader a lot about a character
  • Tone is most closely related to
  • What might be the setting of a story with a lighthearted, relaxed mood?
  • “ He glared at all the squirrels who had dug up his flower garden. He would get his revenge. What is the tone”
  • “ Kimberly sulked around the house for days, so sad at the loss of her hamster. Which mood is presented?”
  • Determine the tone. “ I can’t wait to see Kimberly, just so she can start nagging to me.”
  • Describe the mood. “ As I come through the door I hear a creak from the stairs and slowly turn-“
  • Describe the tone” you can’t tell someone else’s business and be mad when I call you out. Respect People!!!”
  • Describe the tone “ when did you find out, and why didn’t you tell me?”
  • moods can____ greatly between stories
  • Tone of voice is the way that the author______ in our head
  • Authors set a tone or mood in literature by conveying an emotion or emotions through
  • what best describes this sentence” I watch as her soft curls bounce and the wind as she twirls”?
  • Which words and phrases from the sentence below best shows you the tone? “She totally wasted my time”
  • Mood is also called__________
  • What’s the tone? “Thank you if it weren’t for you I would’ve been late, you’re god sent.”
  • “Does "mood" focus on the audience or the narrator?”