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Polygons: Basic Terminology

| See more in Geometry

You'll practice identifying polygons and parts of polygons.

Created Date 06.05.15
Last Updated 06.08.15
Viewed 48 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Is this shape a polygon?
  • Which of the following is a valid name for the polygon shown?
  • In this polygon, the points Q, R, S, T, U, and V are called the ________ of the polygon.
  • In this polygon, the line segment joining points R and T is called a ________ of the polygon.
  • In this polygon, the line segment joining points Q and V is called a ________ of the polygon.
  • A polygon in which all sides have equal length and all interior angles have equal measure is called a(n) ________ polygon.
  • A polygon having three sides is called a ________.
  • A polygon having four sides is called a ________.
  • A polygon having five sides is called a ________.
  • A polygon having six sides is called a(n) ________.
  • What is a two-sided polygon called?
  • A polygon with seven sides is called a ________.
  • A polygon having eight sides is called a(n) ________.
  • A polygon having nine sides is called a ________.
  • A polygon having ten sides is called a ________.