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Principles of Morality

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This game's objective is to diagnose your own view of the morality of doctor assisted suicide based on Jeremy Bentham's Principles of Morality. Your final score will showcase your opinion on doctor assisted suicide. If you score more than 600 points your opinion leans towards it's morality but if you score less than 600, your don't believe in it's morality.

Created Date 08.06.19
Last Updated 08.07.19
Viewed 8 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • From the perspective of the patient, what is the pleasure produced from the first instant?
  • From the perspective of the patient, what pain is produced in the first instant?
  • What pleasure is produced after the first instant when ending one's life?
  • What pain is produced after the first instant when ending one's life?
  • From the perspective of the doctor assisting the suicide, what initial pleasure is produced?
  • From the perspective of the doctor assisting the suicide, what pain is produced in the first instant?
  • From the perspective of the doctor assisting the suicide, what pleasure is produced after the fact?
  • From the perspective of the doctor assisting the suicide, what pain is produced after the initial instant?
  • From the perspective of the patient's family members, what instant pleasure is produced from a doctor assisted suicide?
  • From the perspective of the patient's family members, what instant pain is produced from a doctor assisted suicide?
  • From the perspective of the patient's family members, what pleasure is produced after the first instant?
  • From the perspective of the patient's family members, what pain is produced after the first instant?