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Cell Structures Knowledge Check

| See more in Biology

Students will assess their knowledge about cell structures.

Created Date 08.13.19
Last Updated 08.13.19
Viewed 171 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What cell structure surrounds the cell and controls what nutrients enter/exit the cell?
  • The cytoplasm consists of what?
  • What cell structure holds organelles in place and aids in the break down of waste and transformation of energy?
  • Which cell structure serves as roads for organelles and vesicles to travel along?
  • What cell structure is known as a "little organ" and performs specific functions within a cell?
  • Which organelle holds the cell's genetic material?
  • Which part of the nucleus produces subunits which form ribosomes of the cells?
  • Which cell structure receives instructions from the nucleus to make proteins needed for the human body?
  • Which type of endoplasmic reticulum is studded with ribosomes and located next to the nucleus?
  • Which cell structure processes proteins then packages them into vesicles for transport within the cell?
  • Which cell structure is the site of respiration which is the conversion of chemical energy stored in food (glucose) plus oxygen into ATP (cell's energy source), CO2, and water?
  • Which cell structure contains digestive chemicals for breaking down food molecules, cell wastes, and worn-out cell parts.