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Analyzing Data Knowledge Check

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Students will assess their knowledge on analyzing data.

Created Date 09.25.19
Last Updated 09.25.19
Viewed 6 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Which of these is NOT part of the analyzing process?
  • What is being done when we look for increases or decreases on a bar graph?
  • Recognizing ______ in data will help you make predictions about future sets of data.
  • Related data can help draw ______ accurate conclusions and make _________ predictions.
  • What is the science of collecting, summarizing, and analyzing data, is another way to help you form conclusions and answer questions?
  • What is the average of a set of numbers, determined by adding them together and dividing by how many numbers are present?
  • What is the middle value between the smallest and largest of a set of numbers?
  • The _______ is the number that appears most often in a data set. It only has significance if numbers are repeated.
  • What is the difference between the largest and smallest numbers in a set of numbers?
  • A ________ is a statement based on observations. It can summarize the data or answer questions about the relationship between the variables.