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Earth Sciences: Study Review #1

| See more in Earth Science

This game will be for my students to review and study in and out of the classroom. This will be a review of different aspects of Earth sciences.

Created Date 12.09.19
Last Updated 12.10.19
Viewed 9 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is precipitation?
  • What weather tool is used to measure how hot or how cold something is?
  • The anemometer and weather vane are weather tools used to measure wind, ...?
  • Stratus clouds that form near the ground are called?
  • What kind of cloud usually means the weather is going to change in 24 hours?
  • A place where living and nonliving things interact, such as forests and deserts is called a(n)
  • The main plants in a ? ecosystem are trees.
  • An ocean is an example of a _________ water ecosystem.
  • An ocean is an example of a ? water ecosystem.
  • A type of forest that has trees with large, flat leaves that fall and regrow each year is a ? forest.
  • measures waterfall and percipatation
  • A large storm cloud
  • Low puffy packed clouds
  • features of a state of being
  • The soil with the largest grains
  • Soil with the smallest grains
  • made up of humus, tiny pieces of rock, air, water
  • What are 4 types of soils
  • soil that absorbs water, but also allows water to drain, therefore good for farming and gardening