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(Input Process Output) IPO CHARTS

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How well can you develop an IPO chart?

Created Date 12.16.19
Last Updated 12.18.19
Viewed 36 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Write a program that accepts three (3) integers and finds the sum. Which of the following is most appropriate for the Input section of the IPO Chart.
  • A program accepts three integers, and finds the product. What would be most appropriate for the Output section of the IPO?
  • A program accepts two integers, and displays the difference. What would be most appropriate for the Processing section of the IPO?
  • Calculate Jenny's weekly pay, if she is paid by the hour and she works for $20 an hour. What should go in the processing section of the IPO Chart?
  • A program will accept the base and height of a triangle then calculate the area of a triangle then print it. What would appear in the processing section of the of the IPO Chart.