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Moon Phases and Tides Beekeeper Game

| See more in Space Science

Moon Phases and Tides

Created Date 01.21.20
Last Updated 01.22.20
Viewed 36 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What causes the ocean's tides?
  • What type of tide occurs when the Earth, Moon, and Sun are in a straight line?
  • What type of tide occurs when the Earth, Moon, and Sun are at a right angle?
  • How is the gravitational pull affected during a spring tide?
  • How is the gravitational pull affected during a neap tide?
  • Where does the Moon get its light?
  • How often do the phases of the moon cycle repeat?
  • What is the phase of the Moon when the Moon sits between the Sun and the Earth?
  • During which moon phase is the moon 100% lit up?
  • What is the period called when we are seeing more and more of the Moon each night?
  • What is the period called when we are seeing less and less of the Moon each night?
  • A high tide is created during...
  • A low tide is created during...
  • Why are there different phases of the moon?
  • How is gravitational force affected by the size of an object?
  • During which type of tide is the gravitational pull the least?