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ELA 7 - Slitherly Snake - Vocabulary - Weeks 1-4

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ELA 7th Grade - Semester 2 Vocabulary Words - Weeks 1-4

Created Date 02.17.20
Last Updated 02.17.20
Viewed 4 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What means the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of two or more words? (Consonants are any letter that is NOT a vowel: a, e, i, o, u.)
  • What means an exaggeration or overstatement used to emphasize a point, evoke (create) strong feelings and illustrate a stronger image?
  • What means a strong description using vivid language to paint a picture that the reader can visualize? ( Appeals to the senses - see, hear, taste, touch/feel, and smell.)
  • What means comparing two unlike things using like, as, than, etc.?
  • What means the use of words that sound like what they mean?
  • What means an imaginary voice a poet uses when writing a poem?
  • What means a word, phrase, sound or sentence that is repeated more than once?
  • What means a word or phrase stands for or represents something else?
  • What means a group of two or more lines that form unit?
  • What means a pattern of end rhymes in a poem?
  • What means the writer's attitude towards the audience and subject?
  • What means a figure of speech that compares two unlike things by saying it is the other thing?
  • What means a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables?
  • What means the structure or organization of writing?
  • What means the way words are used in an imaginative way to express ideas that are not literally true?
  • What means the beginning of a story in which the characters, the setting, and conflict are introduced?
  • What means the plot stage in which a conflict unfolds and becomes more complicated; obstacles prevent the resolution of the conflict?
  • What means the most exciting moment and turning point in a story, the outcome of the conflict is decided? This is also where the main character comes face to face with the problem or whoever/whatever is causing the problem.
  • What means the plot stage in which suspense eases and the main character begins to resolve the conflict?
  • What means a story ending in which the main conflict is usually solved?