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Students will engage and have fun playing to better know and/or learn about different mental illnesses.

Created Date 02.19.20
Last Updated 02.19.20
Viewed 12 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • This mental illness is a condition where real or imagined fears are difficult to control.
  • Thought disorder or grandeur is an example or symptom of this mental illness.
  • Depression is an example or symptom of which mental illness?
  • Panic, PTSD or Generalized Anxiety Disorder is an example or symptom of this mental illness.
  • This mental illness is a condition that may develop after exposure to a terrifying event.
  • Violence, truancy, arson, &/or vandalism is an example or symptom of this mental illness.
  • Fear of heights is an example or symptom of this mental illness.
  • This mental illness is patterns of behavior in which the rights of others or basic social rules are violated.
  • Needing things orderly & symmetrical are examples or symptoms of this mental illness.
  • Excessive gambling or shopping is an example or symptom of this mental illness.
  • This mental illness involves mood extremes that interfere with everyday living.
  • Kleptomania, Cutting or Pyromania are examples or symptoms of this mental illness.
  • Flashbacks &/or Nightmares are examples or symptoms of this mental illness.
  • This mental illness is when a person loses contact with reality.
  • Phobia or OCD is an example or symptom of this mental illness.
  • This mental illness is when people cannot resist the urge to hurt themselves or others; Physical or financial harm.
  • Stealing, cruelty, lying and/or aggression are examples or symptoms of this mental illness.
  • This mental illness leads to persistent thoughts, fears, or urges leading to uncontrollable repetitive behaviors.
  • Fear of social situations is an example or symptom of this mental illness.
  • Delusions &/or hallucinations are examples or symptoms of this mental illness.
  • The strong irrational fear of something specific is this mental illness.
  • Fear of germs leads to constant hand washing is an example or symptom of this mental illness.
  • Bipolar is an example or symptom of this mental illness.
  • Emotional numbness, guilt, and/or sleeplessness is an example or symptom of this mental illness.