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Phases of Clinical Trials Knowledge Check

| See more in Health Science

Students will assess their knowledge of clinical trial phases and types.

Created Date 04.14.20
Last Updated 04.14.20
Viewed 36 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Which type of clinical trial explores better ways to prevent diseases?
  • Which type of clinical trial tests the best way to detect or treat diseases?
  • A _________ trial is research conducted on a new drug, medical device, or procedure, usually with animal subjects.
  • Which of these is NOT a benefit of using animals in research?
  • Research with animals advances veterinary medicine as well as human medicine. True or false?
  • How many phases are in a clinical trial?
  • The biggest barrier to completing studies is the ____________________ .
  • Which phase of clinical trial tests an experimental drug or treatment in a small group of people (approximately 20-80) for the first time? The purpose is to evaluate its safety and identify side effects.
  • Which phase of a clinical trial tests a drug or treatment in a large group of people/animals (300-3,000 or more) to confirm its effectiveness, monitor side effects, and compare it with standard or equivalent treatments?
  • In which phase of a clinical trial is an experimental drug or treatment administered to a larger group of people/animals (approximately 100-300) to determine its effectiveness and to further evaluate its safety?
  • After which clinical trial phase is a drug's results combined into a document that is sent off to regulatory agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for review?
  • Which phase has long term-studies that involve large groups of participants and are designed to reveal if any unexpected side effects occur in a small percentage of individuals?