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Review of Middle Ages and Renaissance

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End of Quarter 4 Exam review

Created Date 05.11.20
Last Updated 05.11.20
Viewed 1 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • At first Rome was a ________________________ and people voted on their leaders. However, during the expansion Rome became an _____________________ and was ruled by one leader.
  • What is the world's oldest monotheistic religion? (Remember a monotheistic religion only worships one God!)
  • What do you call a group of people in the same craft or trade during the Middle Ages?
  • What is the biggest reason for disease in the Middle Ages?
  • What do you call a journey that people go on to cure an illness, show devotion to God or seek voluntary self-punishment for a sin?
  • Who is the supreme head of the Roman Catholic Church?
  • What is another name for the Bubonic Plague?
  • What is the method used by doctors where a patient is cut open to let out the bad blood called?
  • Name the major religion of South Asia that includes Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver) and Shiva (the destroyer) - also knows as the Trimurti.
  • The official name for the split between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church
  • Name the religion that was started by Muhammad in a cave when God spoke to him through the angel Gabriel.
  • What is a dynasty in China?
  • The ninja developed in Japan during what time period? (Hint: the name of a Japanese soldier in the Middle Ages)
  • What present day country in South America is home to the Inca civilization?
  • What does the word "norse" mean to the Viking?
  • What was the official religion of Japan prior to Buddhism?
  • What civilization originated on the island called Aztlan?
  • What Pre-Columbian civilization called Mexico home?
  • What is Japan's first form of entertainment for large groups of people?
  • What is Asgard?
  • Why are Inca mummies so well preserved?
  • The Renaissance began in what country?
  • What two places does the term "classical" refer to when talking about art?
  • Who wrote the following plays: Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet
  • There are two Renaissance artists that created statues of the Biblical king David. Name them! (Hint: they are also ninja turtles!)
  • What can you be accused of if you have an opinion that goes against the Church during the Protestant Reformation?
  • Who painted the Sistine Chapel?
  • What country started the Age of Exploration?
  • What are the three G's of exploraiton?
  • The King of Spain sent 130 ships to the shores of England. What was this called?
  • What is a Caravel?
  • Why are the native people of the Americas called "Indians?"
  • Name the two men who created the Scientific Method.
  • Johannes Kepler discovered the shape of a planet's orbit? What shape is that?
  • Who is the Enlightenment philosopher that taught freedom of expression and thought along with religious freedom?