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Waves Jeopardy Game

| See more in Physics

This is a review game for our waves unit.

Created Date 05.12.20
Last Updated 05.12.20
Viewed 23 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is energy?
  • What initiates a wave?
  • Waves transfer ______________ along the wave from where the wave begins outward.
  • What is the lowest point of a wave below the resting line?
  • What is the highest point of a wave above the resting line?
  • What is the height to the top of a crest or bottom of a trough from the resting line?
  • What is net motion?
  • If a wave is higher or quicker, how would a ball move that was on the wave?
  • If a shorter and slower, how would a ball move that was on the wave?
  • What type of code was developed in the early 1800's to transmit messages over wires using dots and dashes?
  • What type of code is a series of 1's and 0's used by computers to transmit numbers and letters?
  • What type of waves do cell phones use to transmit information?