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Earning a Living - Terms & Concepts

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This game tests your knowledge of key terms and concepts related to the topic, "Earning a Living."

Created Date 05.12.20
Last Updated 05.13.20
Viewed 0 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • A payment made to a worker for work done in a particular time period.
  • A prearranged anount paid by the employer at regular intervals (e.g weekly, monthly) regardless of hours worked.
  • A person or organisation who employs someone to do a particular job.
  • A person who is hired to do a particular job.
  • Rules and standards of conduct that are acceptable in the workplace.
  • The moral principles people live by.
  • Senior experienced personnel whose main tasks are to plan, direct, organise and coordinate the activities of their organisation.
  • A worker who has advanced qualifications, knowledge and work experience that are applied to their job.
  • Persons who work in technical or research related jobs.
  • Workers who are involved in tasks related to the recording, organising and storing of information.
  • Workers who perform simple tasks using basic equipment and some physical effort.
  • A job or profession that someone works in during their working life.
  • Workers who operate industrial and agricultural machinery.
  • Workers who are employed in the building or construction industry or in related industries such as masonry, carpentry, plumbling.
  • Workers who are engaged in the provision of services related to travel, housekeeing, catering etc.
  • Workers whose tasks involve the growing and harvesting of crops and the breeding, tending or hunting of animals.