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Earthquake Science - Build a Band Game!!

| See more in Earth Science

Play this game to test your knowledge of earthquake science by build ing a band!

Created Date 05.14.20
Last Updated 05.14.20
Viewed 3 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • In earthquake science, the word "tremor" means....
  • When an earthquake happens underground, it makes waves that ripple (move) through the earth. These are called ______ waves.
  • The machine that draws lines to show how strong an earthquake or tremor was, is called a __________
  • The scale that shows how serious the damage can be from an earthquake is called the __________.
  • "Magnitude" means _______
  • When an earthquake happens, scientists can locate the place it probably happened underground. The location on the surface is called the ______.
  • The "fault line" closest to Columbia, Missouri is named ______________.
  • Another word for the science about studying the earth is called _______