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Chapter 9 Activity - Financial Health Vocabulary

| See more in Finance

This activity focuses on terms associated with retirement savings.

Created Date 05.26.20
Last Updated 05.27.20
Viewed 2 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Persistent increase in the general price of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.
  • This is NOT one of the Treasuries
  • This is NOT one of three interest rates that every retiree needs to track
  • This is NOT considered an ultra-safe investment
  • This is the rate banks charge each other for overnight loans
  • This is the rate that banks charge their best customers
  • This is the rate that banks are charged when borrowing from the Fed
  • This is the fixed annual rate for a bond
  • Bonds are essentially loans to all of the following EXCEPT
  • EXCEL function that calculates the periodic rate required to achieve some financial goal
  • EXCEL function that calculates the present value required to achieve some financial goal
  • EXCEL function used to calculate the number of periods required to achieve some financial goal.