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Test your knowledge of carbohydrates.

Created Date 10.18.22
Last Updated 10.19.22
Viewed 40 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • The nutrient that provides the body's main source of energy is
  • Carbohydrates composed of single sugar units are called
  • The single sugar that circulates in the bloodstream is
  • The single sugar that occurs in fruits and honey is
  • Carbohydrates composed of two sugar units are called
  • The sugar used in recipes or at the table is
  • The sugar found in certain grains, or made of two glucose molecules that are bonded together, is
  • The sugar found in milk is
  • Carbs with uncomplicated molecular structures, such as monosaccharides and disaccharides, are classified as
  • Carbohydrates made up of many sugar units are called
  • The storage form of energy in plants is
  • Nondigestible carbohydrates and binders making up cell walls in plants are
  • Carbohydrates with larger, more intricate molecular structures, such as polysaccharides, are classified as
  • A carbohydrate sweetener that has been separated from its original food source to be used as an additive is a
  • A chemical produced in the body and released into the bloodstream to regulate body processes is а
  • A hormone that helps the body lower blood glucose levels is
  • The body storage form of glucose is
  • The feeling of fullness after eating is
  • The measure of the speed at which carbs are digested, absorbed, and enter the bloodstream is
  • Do not depend on ____________to make up for poor eating habits—i.e., inadequate food sources of nutrition
  • Stop eating sticky carbs between meals to prevent
  • People with must __________ regulate their sugar intake since their bodies lack, or cannot properly
  • People with __________need to avoid eating large amounts of sugar all at once.
  • People who are ___________ must obtain their calcium from milk alternatives.