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New FBLA regional membership recognition award for chapters to claim $500 from the Wisconsin FBLA-PBL Foundation for the top member in each region.
In what city is the 2018 Wisconsin DECA’s Sports and Entertainment Marketing Conference going to be held?
What DPI program(s) recognizes your industry partners?
Wisconsin has been a member state within the MBA Research consortium giving all educators free annual access to which of the following?
WISELearn funding has provided all Wisconsin educators free access to the MBA Research Learning Center during the 2018-2019 school year. What types of resources are available in the Learning Center?
Over 200 CTE resources were recently contributed to this open education resource portal by MBAResearch. Hint: All resources were aligned to B&IT, MME, and CTE academic standards.
On Friday afternoon at the WEBIT/WMEA Fall Convention, teachers have the opportunity to take an A*S*K Certification exam. Which exams are NOT current options?
How many non-DPI members currently serve on the BM&IT State Superintendent Advisory Council?
On July 31, 2018, the President signed legislation reauthorizing the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) and will be referred to as Perkins V. What is the name of this new legislation?
When the state budget (2017 Act 59) was passed, the legislature included new requirements for the Accountability Report Cards for which of the following college and career ready (CCR) components?
High School of Business™ brings college-inspired business administration courses to high schools across the U.S. An accelerated series of six courses challenges students with hands-on marketing, management, finance, and economics courses. What are the benefits to implementing HSB into your business/marketing program?
During 2017-2018 BIT/MME educators and stakeholders completed a statewide survey that helped create a BMIT Strategic Action. Which categories are NOT included within the plan?
In 2015 each of the respective CTE professional organizations collaborated with the DPI to lauch our content area specific Google Communities? How many individuals are now part of the WI DPI Business & IT Education / FBLA / WEBIT and WI DPI Marketing Education / DECA / WMEA communities?