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Proposal Contents

You'll assess your understanding of the appropriate sections for content within an IT project proposal.

Created Date 07.20.15
Last Updated 07.21.15
Viewed 27 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • A proposal has a total of how many sections?
  • A proposal should be as detailed as possible.
  • The objective of this section is to convince the customer that the contractor understands the problem or need and that the contractor can provide the least risky and most beneficial solution.
  • The objective of this section is to convince the customer that the contractor's costs for a proposed project are realistic and reasonable.
  • The main objective of this section is to convince the customer that the contractor is capable of performing the proposed work and achieve the intended results.
  • What is the most appropriate answer for this element of the proposal's Technical Section? The contractor should state how the proposed solution would achieve the project's success criteria.
  • What is the most appropriate answer for this element of the proposal's Technical Section? The contractor must show the client that they understand the problem to be solved.
  • What is the most appropriate answer for this element of the proposal's Technical Section? The proposal should describe the methodology that would be used in developing the solution.