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Ushers, Lobby Attendant and Ticket Takers Baseball
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Human Services
See what you know about these careers.
Created Date 07.27.20
Last Updated 07.28.20
Viewed 5 Times
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Topics of this game:
Who do you give your entrance ticket to when entering the movie theater?
What tool could an usher, lobby attendant and ticket taker use?
You do not need a formal education credential to be an usher, lobby attendant or ticket taker.
It is very important to be able to effectively communicate to help you succeed in this occupation.
Name a place...
What tool would an Usher use to help guide a patron to their seat?
Could you be asked to perform some cleaning tasks as an Usher, Lobby Attendant or Ticket Taker?
If a patron told you they lost something in the establishment, what would you do?
If an event requires a ticket for admission, but someone who doesn't have a ticket wants to get in. How would you respond?
Is it important to always greet a patron when they are entering the establishment.
One task can include, examining tickets or passes to verify authenticity, using criteria such as color or date issued.
A patron asks where something is located within the establishment. What do you do?
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