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What port number is used with the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)?
What port number is used with the Secure Shell (SSH)?
What port number is used with the Telnet protocol?
What port number is used with the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)?
What port number is used with the Domain Name System (DNS) Protocol?
Port 530 is officially used for Remote Call Procedures (530). What port does Microsoft unofficially use for their Remote Call Procedures (RPC) Locator Service? *Challenge Question*
What port number is used with the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)?
What port number is used with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)?
What port number is used with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol over TLS/SSL (HTTPS)?
What port number is used with the Post Office Protocol v3 (POP3)?
What is the default port number used by Microsoft SQL Server?
What port number is used with the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)?
What port number is used with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)?
What port number is used with the Windows Shares & SMB File Sharing?
What port number is used with the Routing Information Protocol (RIP)?