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You are visiting London and need help to find the London Zoo. You meet a nice old lady in the streets. What do you say?
You have made friends with a lady across the hall from your hotelroom. This evening you are talking about food and you mention that your favorite desert is "Tilslørte Bondepiker". She found that very interesting, so you have to transelate the recipe into english; Moste epler, pisket krem, brødsmuler (crumbs).
You spend the rest of the evening discussing fashion with your new friend. She shows you a picture of Princess Diana in her wedding dress and says; "What a incredibly lovely train!" What part of the dress is she talking about?
What kind of a words is "play"?
When you say "I watched a movie..." When did it happen?
The next morning you are going to catch the plane back home to Norway. On you way through the airport, a little boy asks; "how much is the clock?" You look at the clock and it says 9.45. What do you tell the boy?
When do you use a capital letter in the English language?
What is not a transelation for the norwegian word; "stemme"?